Agreed Resolutions; The petitioners(Chakol South Residents) will be invited to the house to provide more clarity and the health committee will conduct site visit to the Adungosi dispensary and give their report on the real situation/findings on the ground.
In a remarkable display of collaboration and dedication to promoting budget transparency, the Lake Region Hub conducted a virtual meeting facilitated by CEDC. The meeting aimed to disseminate the findings of the CBTS 2022 Survey, Monitor the performances of each county, share the key challenges hindering budget transparency and adopt the best practices that will […]
The analysis of the approved (by Busia county Executive) program-based budget 2023-2024 by the budget champions has revealed several significant gaps in the document. These observations highlight areas of concern that need to be addressed to ensure effective budget allocation, implementation and accountability. Here are the key observations that were noted: There is lack of […]